Monday, November 17, 2008

Parisian Chocolate the new Wall St. Vodka Giblet?

Only the promise of decadent chocolate and a seemingly endless flow of champagne could bring discerning Manhattanites below Prince St. on a chilly mid-week evening (that or an event at Cipriani Wall St.). On Wednesday night La Maison du Chocolat celebrated their new home-nestled a-mix other luxury brands like Pink, Hermes and Tiffany’s on infamous Wall St.



The opening drew quite the crowd, in fact as I was ushered in the line of waiting guest continued to grow, inside the pristine shop was overrun with guest sipping on champagne and nibbling on all manner of chocolate concoctions. A chili pepper infused chocolate ganache was served with pistachio nuts. Truffles were served in champagne. Chilled chocolate macrons traveled overhead in basket carried by yellow clad waiters- who industriously served the giddy crowd.


The new out post is a sleek revamp of the Madison shop- trading deep cherry wood for the contemporary feel of bleach blonde wood.  The small boutique brims with cases of decadent enticements of the chocolate sort.


With the financial markets still influx and not looking good, could chocolate become the new vodka? Perhaps, chocolate won’t fix our financial woes but it certainly could make bad news good down a little easier especially if it’s laced with champagne or some other liquor.


The next time you are craving something a little sweet – treat yourself to chocolate at its best. Visit one of the Maison du Chocolat’s three shops.


I encourage you to the experience the magic of the Maison du Chocolat. For those true chocolate lovers consider the chocolatier’s tasting sessions (the Tamananco, or the Duo). They are sure to find their way onto my list of Best Holiday Gifts Under $200 (coming soon).


Call 212 265 9404 for Tasting Sessions schedule.


1018 Madison Avenue. New York, NY

212 744 7117


30 Rockfeller Center New York, NY

212 265 9404

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